Stephanie Helm



Stephanie Helm joined the MassCyberCenter at MassTech in September 2018. A career U.S. Navy officer, she brings to the role deep expertise developed in her senior leadership roles. As Director of the MassCyberCenter, Stephanie is focused on enhancing conditions for economic growth through outreach to the cybersecurity ecosystem in Massachusetts while fostering cybersecurity resiliency within the Commonwealth. Stephanie has guided the efforts of the Center through the establishment of Cyber Resilient Massachusetts and Training & Education working groups, statewide cybersecurity awareness campaigns and outreach to key stakeholders.  

Prior to joining MassCyberCenter, Stephanie served as a consultant with the Naval War College in Newport, R.I., providing subject matter expertise in the area of cyberspace, space, and information operations. Her work with the College focused on supporting war gaming efforts in the new warfare environment of cyberspace operations. In addition to her consulting role, she also served as adjunct faculty teaching several electives.

During her 29 year Navy career, Stephanie held numerous leadership roles which focused on cyberspace operations and information operations, including as Deputy Division Director, Chief of Naval Operations (N3IO) in Washington, D.C., where she directed development of strategy and policy for Information Operations and coordinated the Navy’s input to the 2003 Department of Defense Information Operations Roadmap. Stephanie taught at the Naval War College as part of the Joint Military Operations faculty. She was the Commanding Officer of the Naval Security Group Activity, Norfolk, VA.  Additionally, she served tours of duty with Commander, Second Fleet/Striking Fleet Atlantic, U.S. Central Command in Tampa, FL, the National Security Agency in Ft. Meade, MD, and Naval Security Group commands in California, Italy, and Maine. She retired with the rank of Captain.

She received her B.A. from the University of California and her Master’s degree from the U.S. Naval War College, as well as additional training at the Armed Forces Staff College.