The Massachusetts Technology Collaborative contracts with a variety of firms, individuals, institutions and organizations for research, scientific, technical, and management consulting services to support its varied programs. The MassTech Collaborative's procurements are governed by best business practice standards with a goal of procuring the highest quality services for the benefit of Massachusetts taxpayers. Procurements are open to all qualified individuals and firms.
Note that as a public entity the MassTech Collaborative is subject to the Massachusetts Public Records Law, and therefore documents and other materials submitted in response to a procurement are subject to public disclosure with limited exemptions. Read our Proprietary Information page for more information.
Read our Procurement Conflicts Policy to determine if your firm is qualified to respond.
Provide the MassTech Collaborative with Professional Services:The issuance of a procurement does not commit the MassTech Collaborative to award a contract, pay any costs incurred in preparing a bid response, or procure or contract for services or supplies. The MassTech Collaborative reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bid responses received, negotiate with all qualified responders, or cancel or modify the procurement in part or in its entirety when it is in its best interest.
Providing Professional Services to the MassTech Collaborative
Any vendor who wishes to provide professional services to the MassTech Collaborative, whether or not selected through a competitive procurement, will be required to sign a contract with the MassTech Collaborative that contains certain standard provisions. If you or your firm wishes to provide professional services to the MassTech Collaborative, please review the appropriate contract below.
Download: Services Agreement and Statement of Work
Provide the Mass Tech Collaborative with facilities-related services:
Download: Facilities Services Agreement and Statement of Work
Provide the Mass Tech Collaborative with Construction-Related Services:
Download: Construction and Related Services Agreement
Provide the Mass Tech Collaborative with data collection and mapping services:
Download: Broadband Data Collection and Mapping Services Agreement
Download: Broadband Data Collection and Mapping Services Agreement Attachment A - Sensitive Information Policy
Download: Broadband Data Collection and Mapping Services Agreement - Exhibits 5-9
Applying for a Grant from the Mass Tech Collaborative
Any vendor who wishes to apply for a Grant from the Mass Tech Collaborative, whether or not selected through a competitive procurement, will have to sign a contract with the Mass Tech Collaborative that contains certain standard provisions. If you or your firm wishes to apply for a Grant from the Mass Tech Collaborative, please review the appropriate contracts below.
Download: Grant Agreement and Statement of Work
Download: Research and Development Matching Grant Agreement and Statement of Work
Download: Matching Grant Agreement and Statement of Work
Download: MMAP Matching Grant Agreement and Statement of Work